5 Collections
30 Results

Scandinavian God Jul Sticker Pack Swedish Danish Dala Horse Julbock Tomte Woven Heart Sticker
From $1.50

Nordic Woven Heart Red White Danish Hans Christian Andersen Julehjerter Sticker
From $1.50

Julbock Straw Goat Swedish Decoration Christmas Gävle Sticker
From $1.50

Gnome hiking in the woods with a mushroom walking stick Sticker
From $1.50

Swedish Red Dala Horse Dalhäst Sticker
From $1.50

Tomte Christmas Elf Tomten Gnome Swedish Folklore Nisse Sticker
From $1.50

Birch Forest Trees Pattern Art Board Print

Blonde Outdoors Hiking Girl Starry Night Forest Classic T-Shirt

Blonde Outdoors Hiking Girl Starry Night Mountain Sticker
From $1.50

Forest Fairy in a pine tree forest Sticker
From $1.50

Autumn Forest Fairy Samsung Galaxy Soft Case

Golden Autumn Forest Fairy Sticker
From $1.50

Blonde Outdoors Hiking Girl Moon Forest Sticker
From $1.50

Blonde girl hiking in the winter woods Greeting Card
From $2.41

White daisy field blue background Postcard
From $1.72

Butterfly Forest Fairy Sticker
From $1.50
Blonde girl hiking in the winter woods with headband Sticker
From $1.50
Forest Fairy Green Flower Crown Sticker
From $1.50
Wee folk, Good Folk, Trooping All Together Classic T-Shirt
Blonde Outdoors Hiking Girl Sticker
From $1.50
Scandinavian Forest girl Classic T-Shirt
A forest fox sitting with toadstool mushrooms leaves Sticker
From $1.50
The Forest Fairy Zipper Pouch
Birch Forest Nature Tree Pattern Samsung Galaxy Soft Case
Mushroom Cap Blonde Forest Fairy Sticker
From $1.50
Outdoors Hiking Girl Moon Forest Sticker
From $1.50
Green Birch Forest Nature Tree Pattern Samsung Galaxy Soft Case
Forest Fairy in the Greenery Classic T-Shirt
Mushroom Forest Floor Pattern Hardcover Journal
Away with the fairies Sticker
From $1.50

About theforestfairy
- Manitoba, Canada
- 30 designs
The Forest Fairy is my personal realm of creativity. You can find me here when I’m not working as a full time Web Fairy. Being creative is part of my being. My inspiration comes from nature, adventure and folklore.
The Forest Fairy Mission
To inspire others to be creative, stay active and love those dear to us. Craft something unique and special with your mom, go for a walk and look for animal tracks with your dad or ask your Grandma how she celebrates each holiday. Learn, grow and believe!
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