Featured collection
7 Collections
32 Results

Phoenix and Dragon Sticker
From $1.50

1950's House Stove, St. Fagan's Folk Park Sticker
From $1.50

The Lotus Pose The Crown Chakra Sticker
From $1.50

"Earth Dragon" Sticker
From $1.50

King Cobra Sticker
From $1.50

Salamander Sticker
From $1.50

Water Dragon Sticker
From $1.50

Angel of Prosperity and Abundance Classic T-Shirt
From $20.39

"Air Dragon" Sticker
From $1.50

Fire Dragon Sticker
From $1.50

Slyphs Sticker
From $1.50

"Fairy Stump" Sticker
From $1.50

Kaleidoscope Music Album Cover Sticker
From $1.50

The Locust Pose The Heart Chakra Sticker
From $1.50

The Bow Sticker
From $1.50

Phoenix Sticker
From $1.50
Gargoyle Sticker
From $1.50
Angel of Harmony & Love Sticker
From $1.50
Mandala Sticker
From $1.50
"Mumbles Lighthouse" Sticker
From $1.50
Duke & Cart Sticker
From $1.50
Fairies Sticker
From $1.50
Undines Sticker
From $1.50
House Blessing Throw Pillow
From $19.85
Gnomes Sticker
From $1.50
Harvest Energy Illustration Art Print
From $30.66
The Peacock The Thymus Chakra Sticker
From $1.50
The Butterfly The Brow Chakra Sticker
From $1.50
Handfasting 13 Blessings Throw Pillow
From $19.85
Courage and Protection Angel Sticker
From $1.50
One Leg Up Bridge Pose Classic T-Shirt
From $20.39
Fish The Throat Chakra Sticker
From $1.50

About caraemoore
- Joined February 2014
- 32 designs
Cara E. Moore is a Crystal Healing and Herbalism Practitioner and Hatha Yoga Teacher who does workshops in Angel Ritual, Crystal Healing, Dragon Magic, Herbalism, Magical Oils and Incenses, Hatha Yoga, Poetry and Wild Foods. She trained at the British School of Yoga. She is a freelance writer, Singer-songwriter (BMI) and scriptwriter for television and film.
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