Tags: savior 1 timothy 4 1, redeemer job 19 25, bread of life john 6 3, lord john 21, creator isaiah 40 2, son of the living god matthew 16 16, only begotten son john 3 16, beloved son luke 9 35, holy one of israel isaiah 5 19wonderful, counselor, the mighty, god the everlasting father, the prince of peace isaiah 9 6, king of kings 1 timothy 6 15, head of the church ephesians 5 23, the almighty job 32 8, alpha and omega revelation 1 8, master matthew 23 8, king of the jews john 19 2 3, high priest hebrews 3 1, prophet matthew 21 11, teacher john 3 2, immanuel isaiah 7 14, advocate 1 john 2 1, mediator hebrews 9 15, judge acts 10 42, chief cornerstone ephesians 2 20, author and finisher of our faith hebrews 12 2, lamb of god john 1 29, good shepherd john 10 11, the shepherd and bishop of souls 1 peter 2 25, the word john 1 1, fountain of living waters jeremiah 17 13, deuteronomy 32 4, messiah john 1 41, true vine john 15 1, branch jeremiah 23 5, bridegroom john 3 29, dayspring luke 1 78 79, shiloh genesis 49 10, the lion of the tribe of juda revelations 5 5, the bright and morning star revelations 22 16, the image of the invisible god colossians 1 14 15, i am john 8 58, son of man matthew 18 11, the way, the truth and the life john 14 6, king of israel matthew 24 42, christ matthew 16 16