Featured collection
Under the microscope
10 Collections
346 Results
Penicillium mold under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Brown marmorated stink bug Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Foraminifera under the microscope Poster
American pika (Ochotona princeps) in Mount Rainier National Park Throw Blanket
Mushroom gills under the microscope Classic Mug
From $17.63
Reflected light micrograph of young turnip sprout Sticker
From $1.75
Thrips under the microscope Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Young marmot in Mount Rainier National Park Sticker
From $1.75
Hydra under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Green alga under microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Conifer pollen grain under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Leaf cells under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Western conifer seed bug Sticker
From $1.75
Planaria worm under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Fungal spores under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Zygentoma silverfish Sticker
From $1.75
American black vulture Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Freshwater diatom, Rhopalodia sp., under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Head of Drosophila under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Tiny fly Sticker
From $1.75
Summer squash pollen grain under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Freshwater diatom, Rhopalodia sp. Sticker
From $1.75
Ascaris worm under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Mount Rainier Poster
Tiny ant under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Baby marmot in Mount Rainier National Park Sticker
From $1.75
Red-winged blackbird in Colorado Sticker
From $1.75
Lobster mushroom spores under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Flammagenitus (pyrocumulus) cloud Tapestry
Osprey with fish Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Slime mold under the microscope Throw Pillow
From $23.15
White seedless grape close-up Sticker
From $1.75
Closterium desmid alga under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Extreme macro photo (under the microscope) of a fly head Sticker
From $1.75
Carrot stem cells under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Fennel seed under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Boardwalk at Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge Sticker
From $1.75
Banana peel under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Aquilegia formosa flower Sticker
From $1.75
Tiny red-black ant, probably Formica aserva Greeting Card
From $2.80
Sea salt under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Lapsana communis stamen with pollen under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Nene - state bird of Hawaii Photographic Print
Poppy seed under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Weevil beetle under microscope in visible + UV light Sticker
From $1.75
Moss spore capsule lid under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Lichen on a tree bark Sticker
From $1.75
White hot pepper flower (Capsicum annuum cultivar) close-up Sticker
From $1.75
Pocket gopher Sticker
From $1.75
Tiny soil mite under the microscope Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Mongoose on Hawaii Sticker
From $1.75
Larva of Coccinella septempunctata (seven-spotted ladybug) Sticker
From $1.75
Baja bush snapdragon flower Sticker
From $1.75
Beetle larva under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Light micrograph of bolete mushroom pores, field of view is about 3mm wide Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Rock squirrel (Otospermophilus variegatus) in Arizona, USA Sticker
From $1.75
Rod-shaped bacteria, possibly Lactobacillus sp., under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Crow sunbathing Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Altica sp. beetle on dried leaves Sticker
From $1.75
Instant coffee isolated on white background, light micrograph Sticker
From $1.75
Bdelloid rotifer under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Magnolia seed close-up Sticker
From $1.75
Gold-coated fungus gnat under light microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Beautiful violet common camas (Camassia quamash ssp. breviflora) flower Sticker
From $1.75
Squirrel with tree bark Sticker
From $1.75
Murgantia histrionica (Harlequin Bug) in Southern California, USA Art Board Print
From $12.97
Large scaly chanterelle Sticker
From $1.75
Blister beetle in Florida, identified as Nemognatha piazata Sticker
From $1.75
Garden slug Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Small freshly harvested beet close-up Sticker
From $1.75
Salal flowers Sticker
From $1.75
Disposable protective face mask under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis Sticker
From $1.75
Bdelloid rotifer under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Penicillium mold under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Lychee shell under the microscope Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Hot pepper flower stamen with pollen under the microscope Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
California darner Sticker
From $1.75
Anthrax sp. fly close-up Sticker
From $1.75
Tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) Sticker
From $1.75
Blue-green sharpshooter Wood Mounted Print
Rosy conk (Fomitopsis cajanderi) Sticker
From $1.75
Freshly harvested turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa) taproot Classic T-Shirt
From $23.79
Male bighorn sheep Sticker
From $1.75
Nene head close-up on Maui, Hawaii Sticker
From $1.75
A leaf-footed bug from Texas, USA identified as Acanthocephala terminalis Sticker
From $1.75
Aphid mouth under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) Sticker
From $1.75
Spiny Assassin bug Sticker
From $1.75
Oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) spores under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Haplotrema vancouverense snail Sticker
From $1.75
Honey bee (Apis mellifera) gathering nectar on lavender flowers Sticker
From $1.75
Insect larva under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Florida, USA Sticker
From $1.75
Tiny weevil beetle identified as Sciopithes obscurus - Obscure Root Weevil Sticker
From $1.75
Thirteen-lined ground squirrel Sticker
From $1.75
Beautiful rose flower Sticker
From $1.75
Douglas' spirea (Spiraea douglasii) Sticker
From $1.75
Anise seeds under the microscope Sticker
From $1.75
Royal tern Sticker
From $1.75
About Sergii Dymchenko
- WA, United States
- 346 designs
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