19 Results
Wasm Dudes Dancing- WebAssembly Stickers Sticker
From $1.50
Captain Kubernetes Classic T-Shirt
K8s Classic T-Shirt
Kubernetes Kubernetes Kubernetes Classic T-Shirt
runwasi sunshine Sticker
From $1.50
Kubernetes Frustrations Mouse Pad
Cloud native Tri-blend T-Shirt
WebAssembly Turtles All the Way Down Sticker
From $1.50
Kubernetes 'Til It Kills Me Premium T-Shirt
Kubernetes Heartbeat Premium T-Shirt
Wasmtime Sticker
From $1.50
Webassembly on Kubernetes Classic T-Shirt
Developer-at-Work Tri-blend T-Shirt
Klingon Kubernetes Fitted V-Neck T-Shirt
Surfin' Wasm Sticker
From $1.50
We Are Kubernetes Relaxed Fit T-Shirt
Women in Tech Lightweight Hoodie
Running WebAssembly on Kubernetes Sticker
From $1.50
runwasi logo Sticker
From $1.50
About nigelpoulton
- Joined October 2022
- 19 designs
Hi! I’m Nigel. I’m an author, trainer and total cloud geek.
As a father of three daughters, I am passionate about equal education for women and girls, specifically in my own field of technology. I set up this store to share cool merch and designs with other Kubernetes, docker and cloud-native fanatics.
All proceeds will be donated to Women In Tech.
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