Leander Orig Sils
26 Results
Just the silhouettes of the Leander class, as originally designed with the shooty bang bang on the front.
HMS Ariadne Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Dido Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Juno Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Phoebe Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Apollo Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Bacchante Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Andromeda Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Charybdis Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Jupiter Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Ajax Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Minerva Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Cleopatra Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Sirius Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Hermione Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Galatea Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Achilles Tapestry
HMS Naiad Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Aurora Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Argonaut Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Danae Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Leander Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Scylla Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Arethusa Classic T-Shirt
HMS Euryalus Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Penelope Sticker
From $1.81
HMS Diomede Classic T-Shirt
About Jackdustys
- Joined November 2019
- 773 designs
RN and generally Navy related things (note I said "Navy", there is really only one) . Not your "normal" kit, and I am more than happy to help you or create something bespoke, enjoy!
If there is anything I can do to help, please just let me know.
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