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Quotes and Sayings
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19 Results

Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

An uncle who brings good things is better than an aunt who just plays the piano. - Wilhelm Busch Classic Mug
From $15.11

I never wanted to be famous, I only wanted to be great - Ray Charles Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

The music is not in the notes but in the silence between - Quote Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Music is a safe kind of high Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Johann Sebastian Bach: All you have to do is hit the right key at the right time and the instrument will play by itself. Classic Mug
From $15.11

An uncle who brings good things is better than an aunt who just plays the piano. - Wilhelm Busch Classic Mug
From $15.11

Music is what feelings sound like Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Music in the soul can be heard by the universe Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

I believe in music Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Johann Sebastian Bach: All you have to do is press the right button at the right time and the instrument will play by itself. Classic Mug
From $15.11

Music is a world within itself with a language we all understand Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

You can't overdose on music Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Life is a song, love is the music Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Music isn't a hobby, it's my passion Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

Without music life would be a mistake - Friedrich Nietzsche Spiral Notebook
From $12.94
To learn music is to learn a new language Spiral Notebook
From $12.94
Without music, life would be a mistake Spiral Notebook
From $12.94
When you play, never mind who listens to you - Quote Robert Schumann Spiral Notebook
From $12.94

About dechantsbirn
- Joined June 2022
- 19 designs
Quotes and designs for music lovers.
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