Featured collection
Monster Love
6 Collections
Art Prints
26 Results
The Love of Cthulhu Art Print
Giraffes are cool Art Print
Pedro Art Print
My Stomach has a Cupcake-sized Door Art Print
Scream Art Print
Steampunk Art Print
Monster Menagerie Art Print
Flying Art Print
My Little Apocalypse Art Print
Love and Destruction Art Print
Oh The Humanity Art Print
Never Forget That They Were Ninja Art Print
A Boy and His Monster Art Print
Bears Give The Best Hugs Print Art Print
Kraken Art Print
Man vs Lunch Art Print
Jelly Art Print
Octobear Art Print
Dangle Art Print
Eugene Art Print
Geeks Are The Best People Art Print
Six Slovenly Sloths Art Print
Bubble Samurai Art Print
Even Monsters Like To Draw Art Print
Bake Art Print
Sasquatch Art Print
About Damien Mason
- Victoria, Australia
- 82 designs
I am a web designer, flash developer and illustrator. I live in Bendigo with my lovely wife Cheryl and out little kids Oscar and Lily and hope one day to own turtles. I have a special part of my heart reserved for brightly coloured vector art. And monkeys.
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