Featured collection
Ouroboros - Book of Wrath
9 Collections
20 Results

Hunger Classic T-Shirt

Ouroboros Classic T-Shirt

Hope Classic T-Shirt

Protest Classic T-Shirt

Fate Classic T-Shirt

The Evil of Pestilence Pullover Hoodie

Where the Evil Reside Classic T-Shirt

Art of War Classic T-Shirt

Book of Wrath Cover Art Sticker
From $1.50

The Lab Classic T-Shirt

Famine in Disguise Classic T-Shirt

Pestilence - Book of Wrath Classic T-Shirt

War Classic T-Shirt

War Classic T-Shirt

The Elite Flat Mask
From $11.04

Demetre Classic T-Shirt
On Fire Classic T-Shirt
The Wrath Siblings Lightweight Hoodie
Birds of Hunger Zipper Pouch
Life Mini Skirt

About BookofWrath
- Michigan, United States
- 20 designs
Illustrations from Book of Wrath novel by Robin Coe: What happens when an immortal begins to question his role in the balance of light and darkness? From the time of creation, Famine has followed his immortal path, spreading hunger, starvation and misery on humanity. We see through the eyes of Famine as he begins to challenge himself, his siblings and their collective jobs. Is he a puppet of his unknown creator, or does he have a choice in his role?
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