4 Collections
19 Results
Microbe Menagerie Trading Cards Apron
Amino Acid Conga Line Apron
Amoeba Sisters Sisterhood Apron
Mosaic Mitosis Apron
Stay Curious! with the Amoeba Sisters Apron
DNA Strand of Love Apron
Teachers Are Neuron Gardeners Apron
ATP Coffee by Amoeba Sisters Apron
Amoeba Sisters Logo Apron
Flagella Fitness Apron
Cellebrate Science! Apron
Juicing is Life Pancreas Apron
Amoeba Sisters Catchphrase Apron
Liver Master Chef Apron
Practice Makes Progress Apron
Amoeba Sisters Collage Apron
Proud to be Multicellular Apron
Fruit Flies Apron
Changed Chemistry Apron
About amoebasisters
- Joined March 2016
- 97 designs
We are two sisters on a mission to demystify science with humor and relevance! One of us (Pinky) is a former high school biology teacher, and the other (Petunia) is a self-taught cartoonist! All of these products feature our Amoeba Sisters art illustrated by Petunia. We make a percent margin that we use to help support our free educational biology YouTube channel The Amoeba Sisters
Need to contact us? Please visit
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