Post Category: Inspiration

68 Positive Affirmations for Women + Printable Affirmation Cards


Self-love is something that takes practice. We can easily get into a rut of negative self-talk and forget to praise ourselves on what we do well. Having confidence in who you are inside will radiate into every aspect of your life. 

One way to practice self-love is by incorporating positive affirmations for women into your daily routine. Daily affirmations are based on the idea that speaking something out loud wills it to be true. The simple act of saying these affirmations will encourage you to believe them and build confidence to make them come true.

Not convinced? Try one of these daily affirmations out for yourself. Depending on your goals, we’ve divided them into categories for personal growth, body positivity, anxiety, self-esteem, love and happiness. 

Read through to find ones you’d like to practice to encourage self-love. Then print them out and place them somewhere that will remind you to repeat them out loud, such as taped to the bathroom mirror or on your car dashboard. Complement your favorite affirmations with empowering stickers in places you’ll see throughout the day. 

Affirmations for Personal Growth

photo of desk with personal affirmation hanging on wall
button to download personal growth affirmations

Personal growth is a process. If you’re focusing on your own positive development for a New Year’s resolution or just to improve your mental health, try some of these daily affirmations for personal growth. 

  1. I have the capability to reach my goals.
  2. I attract what I need.
  3. I choose to be proud of myself and how far I have already come. 
  4. The world provides endless opportunities for me.
  5. I am ready to embrace every challenge, free of self-doubt. 
  6. I already know exactly what I need to do to achieve success. 
  7. Creativity is in me. It will guide me to new ideas.
  8. I learn something new each day. 
  9. I will only focus on things I can control such as my actions. 
  10. I will try something new today. 

Affirmations for Body Positivity 

woman getting ready in a mirror
button to download body positivity affirmations

Body positivity is something that many women struggle with. For others to see you as beautiful, you must first have the body positivity to see yourself as beautiful. Here are positive affirmations to empower you. 

  1. I am strong and confident in my body.
  2. I love my body as it is in the present moment. 
  3. My heart is full of courage, kindness and love. 
  4. I am thankful for my good health. 
  5. My body is unique and should not be compared to others. 
  6. My body allows me to experience and explore the world around me. 
  7. When I take care of my body, my body will take care of me. 
  8. I define my worth and I am worthy. 
  9. It doesn’t matter what others think of my body, my opinion is all that matters.
  10. I love ______ about my body because ______.

Affirmations for Anxiety

photo of positive affirmation on bedside table
button to download affirmations for anxiety

Many women are faced with anxiety. Repeating affirmations can help you keep a positive mindset in moments that make you anxious. 

  1. With each exhale, I release the stress my body is carrying. 
  2. I focus my attention, thoughts and energy on the things I love.
  3. I will be OK. 
  4. I’ve been faced with this challenge before and everything ended up OK. 
  5. If I keep trying, it will get easier. 
  6. It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed or altered.
  7. I choose to focus on positive thoughts. 
  8. I trust my intuition and will listen to where it’s guiding me. 
  9. Change is a process that takes time. 
  10. It is brave to ask for help.

Affirmations for Self Esteem

photo that shows affirmation hanging on bulletin board
button to download self-esteem affirmations

Are you working on your self-esteem? Believing in the confident, brilliant women you are will help you advance in every aspect of your life. Display these affirmations on a vision board along with postcards and photos that inspire you. To get you started, here are some positive affirmations for women working to build their self-esteem. 

  1. I observe my actions and thoughts without judgment. 
  2. I trust myself. My inner wisdom guides me. 
  3. I have a gift that needs to be shared with the world.
  4. I recognize my potential and won’t let others block my path. 
  5. Challenges are opportunities for growth and improvement.
  6. I deserve the compliments that are given to me. 
  7. I am creative. 
  8. I am free to release whatever is not serving me or my purpose. 
  9. I deserve success. 
  10. I have the power to change my situation. 

Affirmations for Love

positive affirmation hanging on a fridge
button to download love affirmations

Everyone deserves to be loved. To help you manifest love in your daily life, try repeating some of these affirmations for love. This small change could make a big difference in your love life. 

  1. I have been loved, am loved and will be loved. 
  2. The universe is full of love.
  3. True love starts from within. 
  4. I attract strong, healthy partnerships. 
  5. I honor my feelings. They are honest and true. 
  6. I respect the boundaries of others. 
  7. I understand that others may show love differently than me. 
  8. I surround myself with loving, positive people. 
  9. I am open to give and receive love. 
  10. My relationship is built on openness, honesty and love. 

Affirmations for Happiness

photo of positive affirmation on a desk
button to download happiness affirmations

Happiness is something we all strive for. However, happiness should be a journey not a destination. To help invite happiness into your daily actions, try repeating an affirmation for happiness each morning. 

  1. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is my choice. 
  2. I am grounded in this current moment and open to what it has in store for me. 
  3. I am superior to negative thoughts.
  4. I live in the present and have confidence in the future. 
  5. By allowing happiness in myself, I encourage happiness in others. 
  6. I am enough. 
  7. I choose to be grateful for today. 
  8. I am at peace with my past and my future is full of light. 
  9. I deserve to feel happy.
  10. My inner joy radiates in all I do. 

How to Write Your Own Affirmations

photo of a personalized positive affirmation card on a desk
button to download fill in the blank affirmations

Is there something you’ve been trying to manifest or a mantra you’d like to start your day with? Write your own affirmations with these fill-in-the-blank printables. They include thought-starters like:

  1. I am thankful for _______________________.
  2. I deserve _______________________.
  3. I attract _______________________.
  4. I will try _______________________.
  5. I trust _______________________.
  6. I choose to focus on _______________________.
  7. I am ready to embrace _______________________.
  8. I am open to _______________________.

How to Use Daily Affirmations to Guide Your Journal Practice

While daily affirmations are meant to be repeated out loud, they can also be a jumping-off point for journaling. Use them to set an intention for your journal practice. To help you get started here are some daily affirmations and journal prompt pairings.

Photo of a journal that says fight like a girl
Fight Like a Girl Designed & Sold By Varvara Gorbash

Daily Affirmation + Journal Prompt Pairings

ThemeDaily AffirmationJournal Prompt
Personal GrowthThe world provides endless opportunities for me.List 5 opportunities you’ve been given. Then list 5 opportunities you hope to get in the upcoming weeks.
Personal GrowthI learn something new each day.Name one thing you learned today. How will this help you view the world differently tomorrow?
Body PositivityMy body allows me to experience and explore the world around me.What are the 3 most memorable experiences you’ve had in your body?
Body PositivityI define my worth and I am worthyIdentify others who you have let define your worth. How can you change your thinking to stop this negative habit?
AnxietyI’ve been faced with this challenge before and everything ended up OK.Describe an instance where you’ve overcome a challenge.
AnxietyIt is brave to ask for help.List 3 times you’ve asked for help. What did you learn from these experiences?
Self EsteemI observe my actions and thoughts without judgement.What is an action you judged yourself for this past week? How did this influence how you moved forward?
Self EsteemI am free to release whatever is not serving me or my purpose.Describe an instance where you let go of something that wasn’t serving you. How did it make you feel?
LoveTrue love starts from within.List ten things you love about yourself. How will these help you show love towards others?
LoveI understand that others may show love differently than me.Take a love language quiz. Write down your love language and examples of how you show and accept love.
HappinessI am superior to negative thoughts.List 3 negative thoughts throughout the day. Write down alternate versions that are more positive.
HappinessI choose to be grateful for today.Set a timer for 10 minutes. During this time, write down everything you’re grateful for today.
button to download journal prompts

Oftentimes starting is the hardest part of your self-love journey. Give yourself a jump-start by reading through all the daily positive affirmations for women, printing out these affirmation cards and setting aside 15 minutes each day to journal. Need a pad that matches your personality? Check out Redbubble’s versatile hardcover journals that are available in ruled, graph or blank paper.

Hero image is I see a strong woman Designed By evannave.

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