Do you like eating food? Do you like and/or have friends? Do you like eating food with your friends? Boy oh boy, do I have THE holiday for you. It’s a little thing called Friendsgiving. Either you’ve heard of it or you’ve been to it, but this year, you’re going to throw one. And we’re going to help you do exactly that.
Allow me to introduce you to a cornucopia of the best Friendsgiving ideas around.
Tips for Hosting a Friendsgiving Party
My biggest tip for hosting a fab Friendsgiving party is to have friends. Got some? Cool. Now go do this other cool and important stuff:

1. Plan ahead: Look, we all love eating with our friends- it’s basically a hobby at this point. Competition to host will be fierce, and you want to make sure you have dibs on all your good friends before they’re already taken. Plan to send invites out early on. Like, right now. Seriously. Get on that. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck throwing a Friendsgiving with just your super political cousin or your wonky neighbor whose main hobby is complaining about Millennials. Which is basically just a regular Thanksgiving, right?
2. Create common connections: Attending a party where you might not know anyone besides the host can be intimidating. Got a big group? Save your guests from the pressure on an awkward intro by including a fun fact about them on a nametag.
3. Put up a potluck page: Use a Facebook chat or group message to coordinate dishes. Group chats can be a pain, but it’s either that or you end up with 17 pecan pies…unless that’s what you want. I don’t know, I’m not a big pie girl.
4. Start with an icebreaker game: Icebreakers are a perfect way to bring all your different friend groups together. Everyone has a little competitive side, and you’ll have fun watching how it all plays out. Unless you’re on a team that loses. Then it’ll be a little less fun.
5. Play it up: Music sets the tone of the entire party, and the tone we’re going for is, “Wow. This is the most fun, and cool, and chill Friendsgiving party in the history of Friendsgiving parties, and I can’t wait for next year!” Note that this is not achieved with ear-blasting club hits of the summer or melancholic, slower-than-molasses elevator music. We’re going for a happy-medium here. Don’t know where to start? Check out a premade playlist like this one to help get the party started.
6. Shake up the seating: Ever been at a dinner where you felt like you couldn’t get a word in because Chatty Kathy across the table just wouldn’t stop… Chatty-Kathying? Try strategically placing those with the gift-of-gab next to guests that might be a little shy. Could quiet high-school-friend-named-Ashley have a lot in common with outgoing-and-fun-coworker-named Jake? Play table-cupid and find out.
7. Gift your gratitude: Ask your friends to pick up a non-perishable item to be donated to a local shelter. Sharing is caring, and you care.
8. Keep it simple: As much as you want to impress your guests, don’t forget that this is a time for you to enjoy yourself as well. So try not to get too caught up in being the perfect host; they’re your friends, they’re already impressed with you.
9. Box it up: If there aren’t leftovers, did you do Friendsgiving right? (The answer is no.) Make sure to provide containers so friends can take food home. Bonus points if you add cute labels!
Friendsgiving Decoration Ideas
Are your friends quirky? Sophisticated? Heavy drinkers? (mine). Choose decor that celebrates just that.
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You’re no quitter. Check out these motivational napkins from Carina Paper Co.
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10. Fancy foliage: Add a little glam to your gathering by with sparkle leaves… (sparkleaves? IDK). Get some here.
11. Party with packing paper: Not only is it inexpensive, but it makes for super quick clean up. Use it as a tablecloth and create a simple look, or add some lines for guests to fill in what they’re most grateful for. Hopefully, at this point, it’s you.
12. Banter banner: Use a celebratory slogan for a quick way to share a hashtag option or just a quirky Friendsgiving pun. #GobbleTilYaWobble
13. Break out a backdrop: “Parties with photo booths are way better than parties without photo booths”- everyone. Tape sections of fall-toned ribbon and streamers to a wall for an easy DIY background that your Instagram will be thankful for.
14. Pumpkin everything: Pumpkins aren’t just made for lattes! Hollow out a pumpkin and use it as a wine cooler or centerpiece.
15. Keep it cool: Even better, create a quirky beer holder with that pumpkin you never carved on Halloween.
16. Turkey tags: Look, I really like you, but I don’t want your germs. Drink mix-ups are a thing of the past with these festive drink tags.
17. Get carded: Clip some fun, friendship-themed cards on a string for a quick way to add a little spice to your space. They can also double as a party game later. (scroll down!)
18. Bottomless balloons: Creating a drink or dessert bar? Add a balloon arch to make it pop or spell out “Friendsgiving” in metallic letters.
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Friendsgiving Food Ideas
The best part about Friendsgiving food? There are no rules. You know what that means? Goodbye gross green beans. Toodaloo, took-all-day-to-prepare turkey. Friendsgiving is about celebrating your friends and spending time together, which means no intimidating recipes required. So go ahead. Mix up your menu with some fun treats and a few of these classic faves sprinkled in.
19. Turkey Cheese Ball – Cheese louise, that’s one cute turkey…almost too cute to eat. But ya girl loves cheese, and I’m taking a bite. Sorry, buddy.
20. Cranberry Mules– Cranberry Mules are a surefire way to get the party started. Plus, drinks just look way cooler in copper mugs. It’s scientifically proven. By me.
21. Garlic. Parmesan. Knots. – These little guys are made with only 7 ingredients…and done in 20 minutes. What’s KNOT to love, amirite?
22. Turkey Meatballs – Okay, so I’ve never actually prepared or carved a turkey myself, but everything about it just looks awful. Friendsgiving is about simplicity, and these ground turkey bites are made to be deliciously dippable. I’ll take 10.
23. Roasted Brussels Sprouts – Hear me out. I know it’s a vegetable that totally gets a bad rap, but these ones are covered in garlic and cheese so they barely even count. Just try it already.
Pour Some Gravy on Me by Simple Graphic Tees
24. Stuffing Waffles – In the wise words of Leslie Knope, “We need to remember what’s important in life: friends, waffles, work. Or waffles, friends, work. Doesn’t matter, but work is third.” Add a fun twist to a classic favorite by whipping these bad boys up.
25. Pumpkin Cake – Pumpkin may be considered basic, but that doesn’t mean your dessert has to be. Plus, this perfect fall treat requires no baking, which means more room for the potatoes in the oven. SCORE.
26. Au Gratin Potatoes – Speaking of potatoes…I was tempted to make this entire list about potato options. But, according to my sources, potatoes alone are “not considered an actual meal” …Although, you might want them to be after you mix up this cheesy crowd pleaser.
27. Coffee Designs – You’ll want some coffee or tea to go with that pumpkin cake! Break out your inner barista with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.
Friendsgiving Game Ideas
So you’ve got your tips, decor, friends, and food, but what are you going to do for entertainment? Try one of these fun Friendsgiving game ideas and break that ice!
28. Thankful for you: Remember those hanging cards you used for decor? Put them to good use by getting a little sentimental…or silly. It’s up to you. After passing out a card to each person:
A. Looking to be sentimental? Have guests write their names on a card and pass it around the table. Take turns writing why you’re grateful for each person. My card would be like, sooooo full.
B.Feeling silly? Try passing out the cards randomly and having your guests write in “Two Truths and a Lie” about themselves. After mixing up the cards, read each one aloud and take turns guessing who you think wrote each card. Points for weird lies, extra points for weird truths.
Funny Thanksgiving Apparel by CustUmmMerch
29. Give it a minute: Hate being trapped in a never-ending game of Monopoly? Gather your guests for a few fast paced rounds of “Minute-To-Win-It” style games guaranteed to keep everyone on their toes. Check out this site for ideas and inspo.
30. Spoons: Hope you did the dishes already. Clean off those dinner utensils for a rousing round of ‘spoons’. Not ringing a bell? Watch this quick tutorial for an easy how-to.
31. Tell it like it isn’t with “Telestrations”: Put your drawing and guessing skills to the test as you and your friends take turns alternating between drawing and writing an item of phrase. Looking for a spunkier version? Try “Telestrations After Dark”.
32. Reverse charades: Get the whole gang involved by adding a twist to a classic game. Instead of one person acting out and the group takes turns at guessing, the group acts out a phrase and one person guesses.
33. No problem with profanity? Try “Cards Against Humanity:” Get to know each other reeeeeal quick by seeing who can come up with the most inappropriate answers.
34. Size matters: What’s better than regular Jenga? Giant Jenga. Break into teams and take turns pulling blocks from the tower before it comes tumbling down. Losing team has to take a shot of gravy. Or alcohol. I’ll leave it up to you.
Friendsgiving is the ultimate excuse for you to get together and reminisce on all the memories you’ve made throughout the years, eat some tasty treats, reference all your weird inside jokes (remember that thing that happened to that person that one time?!) for hours. Celebrate Thanksgiving with your friends this year, since most likely they’re pretty high on your list of things to be thankful for this year.
You have friends. You have food. You have fall. You have fun. So, what are you waiting for? Send out those invites and put these Friendsgiving ideas to the test because you now have the perfect way to share your Thanksgiving wishes.
Before you know it, it’ll be time to start planning for your Secret Santa party!
Thanksgiving by caksu
One last thing! Hosting a Friendsgiving event is a lot of work, even if it is a potluck. So if you’re a guest at a Friendsgiving this year, don’t forget to show your appreciation with a hostess gift!
Happy fall, y’all.
Header Image by WinonaCookie