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    Thumbnail 1 of 3, Poster, Samhain designed and sold by Darren Bailey LRPS.
    Thumbnail 2 of 3, Poster, Samhain designed and sold by Darren Bailey LRPS.
    Thumbnail 3 of 3, Poster, Samhain designed and sold by Darren Bailey LRPS.
    Poster, Samhain designed and sold by Darren Bailey LRPS

    Samhain Poster

    Designed and sold by Darren Bailey LRPS
    $17.70 (25% off)
    25% off ends soon
    PosterHeavy poster paper, semigloss finish
    Semi Gloss
    $17.70 (25% off)

    Product features

    4.46 (550 reviews)
    • Blank walls suck, so bring some life to your dorm, bedroom, office, studio, wherever
    • Printed on 185gsm semi gloss poster paper
    • Custom cut - refer to size chart for finished measurements
    • Includes a 3/16 inch (5mm) white border to assist in framing
    • Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
    Artwork thumbnail, Samhain by Darren Bailey LRPS
    The festival observed at this time was called Samhain (pronounced Sah-ween). It was the biggest and most significant holiday of the Celtic year. The Celts believed that at the time of Samhain, more so than any other time of the year, the ghosts of the dead were able to mingle with the living, because at Samhain the souls of those who had died during the year traveled into the otherworld. People gathered to sacrifice animals, fruits, and vegetables. They also lit bonfires in honor of the dead, to aid them on their journey, and to keep them away from the living. On that day all manner of beings were abroad: ghosts, fairies, and demons--all part of the dark and dread. How Samhain Became Halloween Samhain became the Halloween we are familiar with when Christian missionaries attempted to change the religious practices of the Celtic people. In the early centuries of the first millennium A.D., before missionaries such as St. Patrick and St. Columcille converted them to Christianity, the Celts practiced an elaborate religion through their priestly caste, the Druids, who were priests, poets, scientists and scholars all at once. As religious leaders, ritual specialists, and bearers of learning, the Druids were not unlike the very missionaries and monks who were to Christianize their people and brand them evil devil worshippers. Art created using a Nikon D90 and a Sigma 150mm f2.8 Also used 1 x me (well my hand) 1 x Pentacle some lighting a splash of imagination FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK

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