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    JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
    Thumbnail 1 of 2, Postcard, Craigs Hut Winter Morning, Mt Stirling, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 2 of 2, Postcard, Craigs Hut Winter Morning, Mt Stirling, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Postcard, Craigs Hut Winter Morning, Mt Stirling, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell

    Craigs Hut Winter Morning, Mt Stirling, Victoria, Australia Postcard

    Designed and sold by Michael Boniwell
    $2.90 when you buy any 3+
    $2.54 when you buy any 10+
    $2.36 when you buy any 50+
    $2.90 when you buy any 3+
    $2.54 when you buy any 10+
    $2.36 when you buy any 50+

    Product features

    4.78 (120 reviews)
    • Unique artwork for posting words of wisdom or decorating your wall, fridge or office
    • Digitally printed cards on heavyweight stock
    • Uncoated reverse provides a superior writing surface
    • Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
    Artwork thumbnail, Craigs Hut Winter Morning, Mt Stirling, Victoria, Australia by Michael Boniwell
    Craigs Hut Winter Morning, Mt Stirling, Victoria, Australia
    Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell. All images copyright. This is a tack sharp 95 megapixel image, suitable for enormous enlargements. View Larger on Chockstone Photography First built purely for the classic Australian drama film "The Man From Snowy River", Craig's Hut resides high in Victoria's Alpine regions on Mt Stirling. Inaccessible during winter due to harsh conditions and gates locked by the National Parks authority, it represents a worthy challenge for hikers used to donning snow shoes or X-country skis and big packs. Lugging heavy camera gear in there also adds to the adventure! Summer sees four wheel drive enthusiasts teeming to the poplar locale. The hut itself has burned down on several occasions owing to Australia's rigorous bush fire season. It used to be a common occurrence to see cattle grazing the alpine meadow right beside the hut greatly adding to the authenticity of the scene. With a little imagination one could almost hear the bull-whip crack as sturdy legged horses carried weathered cattle-men, a scent of leather, the creak of saddle packs. Now I believe the cattle have be banned with new alpine grazing laws and you're more likely to hear the rev of motorbikes, and the smell of diesel as a bus load of tourists departs. However the solution to this is winter which removes the crowds and returns to the land its mystic presence.

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