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    Thumbnail 1 of 4, Metal Print, Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 2 of 4, Metal Print, Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 3 of 4, Metal Print, Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 4 of 4, Metal Print, Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Metal Print, Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell

    Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia Metal Print

    Designed and sold by Michael Boniwell
    $419.40 (25% off)
    25% off ends soon
    Metal Print
    Metal PrintLightweight aluminum, high-quality print
    $419.40 (25% off)

    Product features

    4.68 (47 reviews)
    • Immortalize your favorite art on durable lightweight aluminum that will outlive us all
    • Choose your finish: Gloss, for brilliant colors and detail, or Matte, for a soft, even look with minimal glare
    • Gently rounded corners
    • Easily wipe clean with a soft cloth
    • Ready to hang, with a back mount fixture so the art seems to float in front of the wall
    • Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
    Artwork thumbnail, Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia by Michael Boniwell
    Mount Arapiles, Victoria, Australia
    Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell. All images copyright. This is image is suitable for enormous prints. View Larger on Chockstone Photography Mount Arapiles rises above the otherwise flat landscape just 33km south-westish of Horsham in Victoria's Wimmera farming region. It is world renowned for its 2000 or more quality rock climbs, with many a local or overseas visitor seeking out fun, adventure and challenge on its gorgeous sandstone crags. I spent a good number of years doing just that myself, before becoming similarly obsessed with photography instead. These days my eye searches for the play of light upon the rocky outcrops, rather than scanning for cracks into which I might jam myself. Having visited hundreds of times, I was very familiar with this scene, but on this occasion I found it in particularly good form. Having rained heavily the night before everything was saturated making the colours under the light of golden dawn really pop.

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