JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
    JUST IN: Samsung Galaxy S25 Cases - Unpack it. Express it. Protect it.
    Thumbnail 1 of 4, Metal Print, Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 2 of 4, Metal Print, Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 3 of 4, Metal Print, Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 4 of 4, Metal Print, Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Metal Print, Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell

    Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia Metal Print

    Designed and sold by Michael Boniwell
    Metal Print
    Metal PrintLightweight aluminum, high-quality print

    Product features

    4.68 (47 reviews)
    • Immortalize your favorite art on durable lightweight aluminum that will outlive us all
    • Choose your finish: Gloss, for brilliant colors and detail, or Matte, for a soft, even look with minimal glare
    • Gently rounded corners
    • Easily wipe clean with a soft cloth
    • Ready to hang, with a back mount fixture so the art seems to float in front of the wall
    • Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
    Artwork thumbnail, Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia by Michael Boniwell
    Moscow Villa Hut, Nunniong, Victoria, Australia
    Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell. All images copyright. This is a tack sharp 93 megapixel image, suitable for enormous enlargements. View Larger on Chockstone Photography Moscow Villa Hut resides at Bentleys Plain Reserve, within an area known as Nunniong, not far from Swifts Creek. It was first built in the 1940’s to provide accommodation for workers at the Mount Nugong fire tower. The hut boasts a generous interior complete with big open fireplace and mezzanine floor for sleeping. There’s a few little, but well sign posted, walking tracks that have been developed in the surrounding forest to make your stay more interesting and some nearby yards suitable for horses I would imagine. Capturing this image in the setting sunlight, required multiple return trips, because the place can be unexpectedly popular. Given it takes a good 10 hours to drive there I was worried the investment in time might be too great, but as luck would have it I managed to have the place almost to myself late one winter’s afternoon, and this photograph was the result.

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