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    Thumbnail 1 of 4, Metal Print, Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 2 of 4, Metal Print, Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 3 of 4, Metal Print, Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Thumbnail 4 of 4, Metal Print, Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell.
    Metal Print, Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia designed and sold by Michael Boniwell

    Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia Metal Print

    Designed and sold by Michael Boniwell
    Metal Print
    Metal PrintLightweight aluminum, high-quality print

    Product features

    4.68 (47 reviews)
    • Immortalize your favorite art on durable lightweight aluminum that will outlive us all
    • Choose your finish: Gloss, for brilliant colors and detail, or Matte, for a soft, even look with minimal glare
    • Gently rounded corners
    • Easily wipe clean with a soft cloth
    • Ready to hang, with a back mount fixture so the art seems to float in front of the wall
    • Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
    Artwork thumbnail, Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia by Michael Boniwell
    Cape Otway Lighthouse, Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia
    Australian Landscape Photography by Michael Boniwell. All images copyright. This is image is suitable for enormous prints. View Larger on Chockstone Photography Cape Otway Lighthouse (circa 1848) is the oldest surviving officially built lighthouse on the Australian mainland. Facing Bass Strait and the southern ocean, it can be a windy place, but with several old buildings to explore, including the telegraph and radar stations, it is very worth the short detour off the ever popular Great Ocean Road in Victoria. You can even book accommodation onsite at the cottage. For the more adventurous, the lighthouse represents a stopping point along the "Great Ocean Walk", a 100km trail following the rugged but beautiful coastline between Apollo Bay and the Twelve Apostles. This image was captured during an amazing sunset. With our cameras set up, our boy and I waited for the light, hoping it would break through the heavy clouds. Incredibly it did just that, though only long enough to cast golden light on the subject for all of a few seconds. A brief moment of beauty and nature closed the curtains once more.

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