Fork Bomb Cool Retro Reggae Flag Colors Design for Sysadmins Laptop Skin

Designed and sold by geeksta
Product features
- Form-fitting vinyl decal sticker
- Provides resistance to minor scratches
- Gloss finish provides intense, vibrant colors and sharp line detail
- 3M Controltac decal sticker for easy, bubble-free installation
- Easily removable with no sticky residue
- Thickness <1/32 inch (<1mm)
- Weight <5g
- Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received

Fork Bomb Cool Retro Reggae Flag Colors Design for Sysadmins
Every Linux & Unix system administrator should know what a fork bomb is and recognize the Bourne-again shell (Bash) version of this type of denial-of-service (DoS) attack. It should be in their tool belt for testing user process limits. Do you agree?
A cool retro design for Linux & Unix admins, devops engineers, computer programmers, software developers and coders showing a Bash fork bomb in an arcade font in Reggae/Rasta flag colors. Great for work and events where command line geeks & nerds meet.
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