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Inside Washer Sticker

Designed and sold by lmdooreart
$1.99 when you buy any 10+
$1.99 when you buy any 10+
25% off ends soon
Product features
- Decorate and personalize laptops, water bottles, and more
- Removable, kiss-cut holographic film stickers
- Super durable
- 1/8 inch (3.2mm) holographic border around each design
- Holographic finish
- For orders with 2+ small stickers, they will be printed in pairs with two stickers on one sheet to reduce sheet waste
- Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
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Inside Washer
Feeling as if the purpose within a woman is to be a washer of man sticks was a heavy feeling I had that spanned for years...In fact almost my whole life to this point. I imagined them living within me, being flushed of their frustrations or need to break away from themselves. They didn't notice how hollow it was, or indeed how ugly it made that part of me feel - Artist Laura Marie Doore
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