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Neo Deco – 02-09-23 Framed Art Print

Designed and sold by Corne Akkers
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Framed Art PrintGallery-grade prints with choice of wood frame
Product features
- Wow, exhibition-quality prints and framing, a worthy decor centerpiece for years to come
- Choose from four high-quality timber finishes to suit your decor
- Premium acrylic pane is clearer and lighter than glass
- Shipped in protective packaging
- Your choice of custom box or flat frame styles
- Dimensions listed indicate printed image size, excluding mat board and frame dimensions
- Due to regional differences, the box frame thickness may vary depending on the local fulfiller with a minimum depth of 30mm up to 40mm
- Since every item is made just for you by your local third-party fulfiller, there may be slight variances in the product received
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Neo Deco – 02-09-23
A Lovely Model
This graphite pencil drawing ‘Neo Deco – 02-09-24’ shows a lovely model called honey_kiss_rus again. Obviously that’s her online name. You can check her out on Instagram for example, adding a @ in front of her username. It’s not the first time I drew her though. Last time was a year ago and soon I turned it into an oil. After that I turned to other themes and models but we stayed in touch. Recently she sent me some new pictures and there was one I simply couln’t resist using for another drawing. The pose is quite similar to last year’s actually. Frontally but she bends her hips more. Frankly, I was curious if I could get the same quality in abstracted forms I found then once again.
To Copy Success
From my own experience I know how difficult it is to copy a success from the past. Especially if it concerns a similar pose. It’s like trying to experience the same lovely holiday on the same spot twice. Somehow a unique experience consists of skills, vision and all other components conducive to success at a certain moment. Nevertheless the urge remains and there is a lot I can learn from copying. Take the abstracted forms in her body for example. Maybe I was worried about the ability of finding new abstractions for my ever expanding Neo Deco series. After all, I made a lot of more realistic looking stuff this year. Now I feel I have to return to abstracting the female body. Inspired also by the positive feedback by others in the recent past I feel confident to pick up the trail.
A Stain, a Problem?
Actually finding cubist forms wasn’t that difficult. The model’s slender body showed a lot of shapes caused by the razor light coming from the right. These induced my capability to see all kinds of pareidolia effects. So I was right on track in Studio Brugman where I teach. Between lessons I had some time left and then it happened. A student didn’t clean the table properly. Therefore my fingertip was covered with a small amount of viridian green. Not much but it caused a stain on the lower left side. Of course I tried to erase it but these will never be removed completely. Then again, I wouldn’t be a proper artist if I didn’t improvise. So now you know I rendered the column on the left totally black. It enforced the composition. However, the initial plan was to keep it all rather light but the universe spoke!
Graphite pencil (Faber Castell Pitt Graphite Matt pencil 14B) drawing on Strathmore Bristol paper (21 x 29,7 x 0.1 cm)
Artist: Corné Akkers
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