Leonardo's Squaring of the Circle Galeriedruck
Designt und verkauft von Klaus Schröer
11,32 $
9,62 $ beim Kauf ab 3 (beliebige Designs)
9,06 $ beim Kauf ab 6 (beliebige Designs)
9,62 $ beim Kauf ab 3 (beliebige Designs)
9,06 $ beim Kauf ab 6 (beliebige Designs)
GaleriedruckAquarellpapier auf Kunstdruckkarton
11,32 $
- Stylisch, günstig und in Nullkommanix hingestellt oder aufgehängt
- Das ideale Format, um eine Serie von Designs stilgerecht zu präsentieren
- Strukturiertes Aquarellpapier aufgezogen auf vierlagigem Kunstdruckkarton
- Einzeln verpackt in Cellophan-Folie
- 3M-Klettpunkte enthalten (vier Stück pro Druck)
- Da jeder Artikel nur für dich von deinem Dienstleister vor Ort hergestellt wird, kann es bei dem Produkt, das du erhältst, zu leichten Abweichungen kommen
Leonardo's Squaring of the Circle
Leonardo's Vitruvian Man and the Squaring of the Circle.
Text under the illustration:
The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci depicts a geometric construction producing a recursively defined infinite sequence of pairs of squares and circles.
Starting this sequence with a pair with unequal areas, the ratios of the areas of the following pairs come closer and closer to a value of 1.00037 by every
generation. This behaviour of the ratios takes place very quickly and is called convergence. This sequence was meant as a solution of the so-called squaring of the circle in an infinite number of steps, that Leonardo claimed to possess. In his drawing Leonardo exhibited the construction and the sequence on the basis of two successive generations - generation n and generation n+1 - and already in the state of convergence, because both pairs have already equal areas. And he only showed us the square of generation n and the circle of generation n+1. The most astonishing fact is that Leonardo discovered this algorithm in the proportions and movements of the human body based on the ideas of ancient architect Vitruv. For more information visit www.klaus-schroeer.com/leonardo/
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